A groundbreaking ceremony March 16 in the Roanoke, Region of Virginia marked the beginning of construction on the new Lewis-Gale Imaging Center at Daleville. The $5 million, nearly-20,000-square-foot facility also will house a primary care/specialty physician practice. The imaging center will be the first free-standing imaging center in Botetourt County and will offer state-of-the-art imaging procedures, including CT, ultrasound and general radiology (x-rays).

Including medical services in the commercial mix was a priority in planning Daleville Town Center, according to Karen Waldron, owner and CEO of Fralin & Waldron, the developer. Daleville Town Center is southwestern Virginia’s first traditional neighborhood development, and will combine residential, commercial, retail and restaurants in an old-fashioned town-type setting.
Lewis-Gale expects the facility to be open next spring.



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