Roanoke County, Winchester-Frederick County and Fairfax County
all named winners with best practices nominations

Williamsburg - The Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA) announced the selection of Roanoke County, Winchester-Frederick County, and Fairfax County as winners in two different population categories of the 2010 Community Economic Development Awards. The awards were presented at the association's recent Spring Conference in Williamsburg.

Roanoke County was one of two nominees selected in Category Four with a population between 40,001 and 100,000 people. Nominated by Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development, Roanoke County, the submitted project touched on all four categories of the CEDA award, incorporating Business Retention/Expansion, Community Development, Business Attraction, and Community Involvement. Roanoke County's featured project was the Green Ridge Recreation Center, a publicly-owned and developed multi-generational facility designed to anchor a proposed new business park and serve the growing needs of the community and region. Not just another recreation center, this facility will serve as a catalyst for new economic development opportunities throughout the entire Roanoke Valley.

The CEDA awards are designed to recognize outstanding communities in the Commonwealth for their efforts in advancing the economic viability of their community through economic and community development programs. VEDA is following the format developed by the Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC) and will submit its eligible winners to SEDC to be considered by that organization for a southern states regional award. This is the fifth year for VEDA's Community Economic Development Awards.

Jill Loope, Virginia Director to SEDC and Chairman of VEDA's CEDA selection committee, said, "We are extremely pleased with the increased number of nominations we continue to receive in our fifth year of this awards competition. The CEDA program was established to promote and recognize 'best practices' and the 2010 Virginia winners certainly give us excellent examples from which to learn and upon which to build." To see copies of each of the selected Community Economic Development Awards submissions link to

VEDA is a member-based professional association committed to providing training and development; networking opportunities; and serving as the voice of the economic development community, creating economic opportunity and prosperity for the Commonwealth of Virginia. VEDA's membership is comprised of more than 550 economic development professionals and related industry professionals from across the state of Virginia. For more information about VEDA visit the website at

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