The Blue Ridge Parkway isn’t just a scenic road.

For 217 miles in Virginia it meanders atop ridgelines, inches up mountains and curves down
passes. It’s a place where time stands still -- just long enough to catch your breath.

Some of the Parkway’s most impressive views are in the Roanoke, Virginia Region, the most populous section of the Parkway in Virginia. And with the Parkway marking its 75th anniversary in 2010, there’s plenty to celebrate this spring.

The Blue Ridge Bike Fest is an all-makes motorcycle expo and festival celebrating the Blue Ridge Mountains. The April 9-11 event features concerts, vendors, stunt demonstrations and rides among some of the best scenery anywhere.

If you prefer to run on the Parkway the inaugural Blue Ridge Marathon on April 24 offers 3,076 feet of elevation gain on its 26-mile course. The uphill will test each runner’s strength and endurance while the equally challenging downhill sections are sure to weed out the unprepared. The good news: the views are stunning. Net proceeds from the race will benefit Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway to protect, preserve and enhance this national treasure.

For more cerebral adventures, the 75th anniversary celebration will include a conference about the past and future of the Parkway. Sustaining Communities, Environments, and Economies is hosted by Virginia Tech and will be held at the historic Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center on Oct 14-16. Academics, non-profit organizations and communities will share new research and engage in conversations that will outline a vision for the Blue Ridge Parkway for its next 75 years

With conservation in mind, the Virginia Tourism Corporation is sponsoring an online contest that will send a family of four on a seven-day road trip down the Virginia leg of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which will include a two-night stay at Hotel Roanoke and visits to Roanoke Valley attractions.

The "Go Green on the Blue Ridge Parkway Sweepstakes" promotes Virginia tourism, especially green-energy travel. The contest winner will be awarded the use of a hybrid rental car and will visit attractions certified by the Virginia Green program, which recognizes hotels and attractions for energy conservation.

To enter, fill out the entry form at The sweepstakes runs through Oct. 31.

See historic photos of the Parkway HERE>>>



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