The rapid pace of redevelopment in Roanoke, Virginia continues with a 100-year-old firehouse that’s been renovated to house an architecture firm.

Interactive Design Group has preserved and refurbished the historic two-story brick Firehouse No. 3 – once filled with horse-drawn fire trucks – into a high-tech office. firehouse.jpgYou can read more here.

Interactive Design meshes architecture and web design to create commercial and residential buildings, floor plans and interactive online applications. Clients include Arlington National Cemetery, the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy.

Jared Soares

The historic firehouse joins the Cotton Mill Lofts, The Hancock apartments, and the Warehouse Row Business Center among several preservation projects transforming the west end of downtown Roanoke.

And more are on the way. The historic Patrick Henry Hotel is being renovated to create commercial and residential mixed-use space, including office, retail, restaurant and event space while maintaining the historic. It will be among the region’s largest-ever redevelopment projects when completed in May 2011.

Roanoke Region of Virginia



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