TROUTVILLE, VA – LiteSteel Technologies America LLC on October 29 officially opened its new North American plant. The Roanoke Region plant began production several months ago and is moving toward full production of its signature LiteSteelTM beam (LSB®), a lightweight steel beam engineered for residential and light commercial construction projects.

The $30 million facility currently employs 23 and eventually will bring 55 jobs to the Roanoke Region. LiteSteel chose the region for its excellent logistics, proximity to selected markets, outstanding state, county and regional support and availability of a facility for its specialized production process.

“”We are pleased to contribute to the local economy and source services and products locally, and are determined to be a good neighbor and active member of the community,” said Scott Morling, senior vice president – general manager for LiteSteel Technologies America.

LiteSteel announced the Botetourt County location in November 2006. The Australian-based company began production of LSB in 2004, following five years of research and development on the product. LSB is a patented, cold-formed, lightweight steel structural beam that combines the strength of steel, but with the installation ease

normally associated with wood products. Ideal for basement beams, garage beams, long-spam headers, roof and ridge beams, and floor and deck supports, LSB has been used in Australia for the past four years in thousands of projects.

The Roanoke Region facility is producing LSB in 12 different sizes, ranging in nominal beam depth from eight to 14 inches. LSB’s patented manufacturing process gives it a unique profile with a flat, thin web and two fully welded hollow flanges for maximum structural performance in terms of load carrying capacity, bending moment and deflection from the amount of steel employed.

“We’re gratified that LiteSteel Technologies has chosen the Roanoke Region for this plant and share in the company’s pride as its products begin to transform the way America builds,” said Beth Doughty, executive director of the Roanoke Regional Partnership.

LiteSteel has been assisted since its announcement by the Partnership, Botetourt County and the Commonwealth of Virginia. For more information about LiteSteel, Click Here.

The Roanoke Regional Partnership was founded in 1983 as a regional economic development organization for the greater Roanoke area that includes Alleghany, Botetourt, Franklin and Roanoke counties, the cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Town of Vinton. The organization has been involved in business locations and expansions that have created more than 13,600 jobs and $1.3 billion in investment in real estate and equipment. To learn more, please visit



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