The Roanoke, Virginia area is featured in the March/April 2010 issue of Where to Retire. Themagazine cites the low-key lifestyle, energetic downtown, and outdoor recreation as reasons active retirees find the Roanoke area the right fit when looking for a retirement destination.

The article covers Smith Mountain Lake, Salem, and downtown Roanoke as appealing places to live. Roanoke’s strong cultural assets such as the Taubman Museum, Jefferson Center, Center in the Square, Art by Night, Opera Roanoke, and Roanoke Symphony Orchestra are all mentioned in the six-page article. The magazine cites the Roanoke area’s terrific outdoor recreational opportunities on water and dry land in places such as the lake, Blue Ridge Parkway, Carvin’s Cove, Appalachian Trail, and the 22 miles of Roanoke Greenways.

Diana Christopulos and Mark McClain, moved from Dallas in search of a retirement town that met their list of criteria. “We wanted four seasons equally distributed, a college or university for the cultural aspects they bring to a town, and good medical care,” said Diana. “Many are very pleasantly surprised at the quality of life here”

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