It’s the Roanoke, Virginia Region’s first traditional neighborhood development – shops, restaurants and offices within walking distance of newly built green homes blending the ambiance of yesteryear with today’s technology.

Daleville Town Center, under construction in Botetourt County, is now adding medical offices to the mix -- a nearly 20,000-square-foot building for an outpatient imaging center and adjacent physician offices affiliated with HCA Virginia Health System’s Lewis-Gale Medical Center.

The first residents arrive this spring at the 117-acre Daleville Town Center. At its focal point is a town square with retailers, banks, entertainment and more.

Daleville is an example of the Roanoke Region’s many housing choices [] – from metropolitan living to suburban neighborhoods, lakeside homes and rural farms.

At Daleville, some 300 single-family homes and town homes are planned in neighborhood blocks over the next 10 years. They are being constructed under EarthCraft, a green-building program leading to healthier, more comfortable homes that reduce utility and water consumption and enhance indoor air quality.

This eco-friendly community will feature tree-lined streets, alleyways and
pedestrian-friendly sidewalks. Everything will be within walking distance. Abundant open space, greenways and walking trails will encourage outdoor activity.

Traditional neighborhood development is a form of master planning that melds the architectural heritage of the past with high-tech amenities to create communities reminiscent of early American towns. Daleville Town Center, developed by Fralin & Waldron, offers five architectural styles with historically accurate details.

Plus something historic homes didn’t have – fiber-optic cable.



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