Botetourt County places in the top 5 "Hidden-Gem Wine Regions" at number 4.

4. Botetourt County, Virginia
Louis and Clark began their fabled journey in Fincastle, Virginia, the town where you should start your own exploration of the
three family-run vineyards of Botetourt County. All three sit in the valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains, boasting spectacular views, close proximity to the scenic drives of the Blue Ridge Parkway, hiking on the Appalachian Trail, and canoeing on the James River. The vineyards of the area produce a variety of wines, ranging from Rieslings to Cabernet Franc.

Roanoke is about 30 minutes to an hour away, depending on which vineyard you visit first. But it's possible to stay right on Fincastle Vineyard and Winery property, which has its own tranquil bed and breakfast. Check out the wooden hiking trails of the 300-acre Blue Ridge Vineyard before packing a lunch and heading for the Virginia Mountain Vineyards, which welcomes picnickers in its gazebo. If you plan your trip in the fall, stop by Ikenberrry Orchards for a variety of apples, a corn maze, and homemade apple butter and preserves.

5. North Fork, Long Island, New York
4. Botetourt County, Virginia
3. Truro, Cape Cod
2. Bloomington, Indiana
1. Hill Country, Texas



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