Foreclosure activity in the Roanoke, Virginia MSA is down from a year ago and home sales and prices are up.

Last month saw foreclosure filings (default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions) on 166 properties in the Roanoke MSA, according to RealtyTrac. That’s a 24.5 percent drop from April 2009. By contrast, foreclosure filings rose 12.9 percent statewide over the same period.

April also saw a 14.3% rise in the number of homes sold from both March 2010 and April 2009 and a 3.1% jump in the average home price over the year. Last month’s average price, $182,471, represents the second month in a row for a home price increase, according to the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS. The number of homes sold (328 in April) has risen every month this year and is up 89.6 percent from January.



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