Green construction continues to gain momentum in the Roanoke, Virginia, region. A variety of new and renovated properties now boast LEED certification for incorporating features that reduce their environmental impact.

LEED is the rating system of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), which sets national standards for excellence in green construction.

The latest company in the region to achieve the recognition is highway-repair contractor Lanford Brothers, which achieved silver LEED certification for its 8,800-square-foot facility in Botetourt County. Its headquarters features a roof with plants, natural light, low-water fixtures, recycled steel and other energy- and money-saving examples.

For instance, 418 tons of existing asphalt were removed, recycled and reinstalled in place, without leaving the site. This reduced landfill waste and transport emissions and saved costs by reusing existing material.

The Lanford Brothers building joins three properties in the City of Roanoke that have achieved LEED designation: the Claude Moore Education Complex (gold), Williamson Road Fire Station (gold) and State and City Building renovations (certified).

In addition, eight other projects in the region have expressed an interest in pursuing LEED certification, including the renovation of downtown Roanoke’s City Market Building, the new Green Ridge Recreation Center in Roanoke County and Carilion Clinic’s new outpatient clinic in Roanoke.



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