The "2010 Best of the Outdoors" was named by Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine January 2010 issue. Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine is the largest outdoor sports magazine in the Southeast, stretching from Maryland to Georgia. The Roanoke, Virginia Region stood prominent among the Blue Ridge Outdoors's "2010 Best of the Outdoors" taking home four "best of" awards.

Best Urban Park

1. CARVINS COVE RESERVE, Roanoke, Va. (Check out here)
2. James River Park, Richmond, Va.
3. Crowders Mountain, Charlotte, N.C.
4. Chattahoochee National Recreation Area, Atlanta, Ga.
5. Great Falls Park, Washington, D.C.
6. Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield, Marietta, Ga.

Favorite Section of the Appalachian Trail

1. DRAGON'S TOOTH- Catawba,Va (Check out here)
2. Mount Rogers/Grayson Highlands
3. Roan Mountain
4. Great Smoky Mountains National Park
5. Shenandoah National Park
6. McAfee Knob

Best Outdoor Festival

1. FLOYD FEST, Floyd, Va.
2. Mountain Sports Fest, Asheville, N.C.
3. Trail Days, Damascus, Va.
4. Woolly Worm Festival, Banner Elk, N.C.
5. GauleyFest, Summersville, N.C.
6. Bonnaroo, Manchester, Tenn.

Favorite Section of the Blue Ridge Parkway

1. PEAKS OF OTTER- Bedford, Va (milepost 86)
2. Graveyard field, mp 418, N.C.
3. Humpback Rocks, mp 6, Va.
4. Linn Cove Viaduct, mp 304, N.C.
5. Waterrock Knob, mp 451, N.C.
6. Rocky Knob, mp 169, Va



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