With the economy shaking at its knees and companies reporting huge second quarter losses, Roanoke proves once again to be recession proof and continues to progress.

Advance Auto Parts, an international auto parts company based in Roanoke, has reported an increase in profits from last years $68.4 million to $75.4 million in the second quarter. Furthermore, in the past few days Advance Auto Parts has hired three new executives, one who will be working in the Roanoke region.

Other industry progress is taking place as well. Carilion Clinic's continued expansion within the region is painting the picture of the future Roanoke. As the cranes keep moving from one building site to another, Carilion and Virginia Tech are also finalizing plans for the new Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine which will be located in the medical empire's Riverside Center. On top of that, Carilion and Virginia Tech are also teaming up with the University of Virginia to develop the Carilion Biomedical Institute (http://www.biomedicalinstitute.com/), a medical research establishment.

Finally, the new Taubman Museum of Art is preparing for its big debut on November 8th. Leading up to the opening night, there will be 40 days and 40 nights of arts and cultural programs hosted by the Art Council of the Blue Ridge. For more information, go to www.4040fest.com.

More will come on this blog about the exploding arts and culture scene. I will also be discussing the rise of the young professionals and their influence on the Roanoke region.



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