With its mountains, lakes and rivers, the Roanoke, Virginia Region is an outdoor playground luring runners, hikers, cyclists and kayakers.

Fortunately, there are plenty of places to stay in shape when the weather isn’t cooperating.

The region boasts some 25,000 YMCA members. That means one out of every 10 people in the Roanoke Region is served by the YMCA through memberships or programs. That compares to a U.S. average of one in 14.

Seven YMCAs locations in the region -- in Roanoke, Salem, Rocky Mount, Smith Mountain Lake and Alleghany County -- offer a combined 362,000 square feet of space. Five of the buildings are five years old or less, some of the newest facilities anywhere loaded with state-of-the-art equipment, fitness centers, pools and community rooms.

YMCA members around the region also have full access to any of the locations.

Along with new private gyms, the region also boasts a new $32 million, 76,000-square-foot athletic and aquatic facility, Green Ridge Recreation Center, with elevated walking track, basketball courts, weight and workout facilities and indoor pool featuring water slide, lap lanes and children’s water playground. This spring, the pool area extends outside to create the region’s largest water park, Splash Valley.



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