Boxley has met its goal of achieving the prestigious Green-Star Certification by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) in 2009 at all eight of our concrete plants.

The NRMCA Green-Star program recognizes Ready Mixed companies who maintain Environmental Management Systems that aid in reducing, if not eliminating, negative environmental impacts resulting from operations.

Of the more than 5,000 concrete plants in the U.S., only 60 have achieved Green-Star status. Boxley plants are the only plants in Virginia and West Virginia to achieve Green-Star Certification.

Boxley's Roanoke Plant was the first to achieve Green-Star status in Roanoke, Virginia and the 11th in the U.S. Boxley's Welch Plant was the first in West Virginia and the 56th in the U.S.

The Green-Star program requires participation by all employees. From recycling efforts and solid waste reduction to water and energy conservation to reduction of noise, dust and improving the aesthetics of the company sites thus resulting in positive impacts on the communities Boxley serves.

Some examples of Boxley's environmental practices include:
  • Reduced waste concrete by 20% by forming concrete barrier blocks with the waste concrete. It would have taken 22 dump truck loads to dispose of this waste at a landfill. Recycling reduced use of landfill, vehicle emissions and furl burned.
  • Utilized 100% recycled water for mixer drum rinse and washout (saved approximately 800,000 gallons of water annually).
  • Improve site aesthetics through tree plantings and landscaping.
  • Replaced 100% of indoor lighting with high efficiency bulbs and turned off computers and lighting at the end of each day. This type of lighting uses 75% less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb.
  • Installed a suggestion box to collect employee ideas related to continual environmental improvement.
  • Provided mugs to employees to reduce the amount of Styrofoam cups being used. Based on annual usage at the Roanoke plant, this prevents 5,750 non-recyclable cups from going to a landfill per year.
  • Implemented a recycling program for mixed paper, aluminum and plastics.
  • Implemented recycling program for oil, tires, and metals.



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