It’s still warm enough in the Roanoke Region for one last paddle.

The Jackson River and Cowpasture Rivers convergeriverback.jpg in northern Botetourt County to form the James River. These headwaters, called the Upper James, provide some of the finest canoeing, Kayaking and freshwater fishing in Virginia. A 16-mile stretch of the James River between Eagle Rock and Springwood is the only part of the James River that has been designated a Virginia Scenic River.

The James is renowned for its smallmouth fishing, and the 45-mile stretch that winds its way through Botetourt County is becoming one of the most popular muskie sections of water in the state. The river also offers excellent rock bass, bream and catfish fishing.

It’s easy to catch a ride on the river to see the last of the fall colors. For a list of outfitters, Click Here.

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