Nearly 250 projects across the state will be constructed thanks to Recovery Act funding

Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced that more than $1 billion in American Restoration and Recovery Act funding has been allocated for infrastructure projects in Virginia.

The announcement included $2 million in funding for the Roanoke River Greenway. The money will be spent to connect the Tinker Creek and Roanoke River Greenways in the City of Roanoke and to complete sections of the Roanoke River Greenway around Salem’s Moyer Sports Complex.

"These projects are beginning at a time when we are facing a national economic crisis, and they are putting Virginians to work," Governor Kaine said. "The projects also will pay long-term dividends to all of us, in the form of improved bridges and highways, railways and other transit, sewage treatment and drinking water."

Roanoke Region of Virginia

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